pictures are taking over my life


these are pictures on my walls in my room. see what i mean? the pictures are taking over my life!

you know what else has taken over my life? midterm review packets. and when i say packets, i mean PACKETS! my shortest packet is 2 pages but theres no gaps in between each question and theres alot of questions on it. i brought home 4 binders today so i can do more of the packets, but its gonna really stress me out. so this is where i come back to the pictures. everybody has a thing, right? their way of relaxing and taking a break. mine’s blasting music (preferably rent but if its not i’ll manage) and scrapbooking or just putting pictures up on my wall. its alot of fun.

right now tommy kelsey danny patrick my mom and i are in this contest thing. we’re seeing who can get the most. i’ll put the link in.

so far it’s danny at 30, tommy at 29, mom at 26, patrick at 25, kelsey at 20, and me at 19. i know i know kelsey and i have to live alot more. but we’re trying to see what we can do this week to boost our score. i’ll keep you posted.

well i have to go do more study guides!! arghhh kill me now.

Published in: on January 7, 2008 at 6:58 pm  Comments (6)  
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don’t ask about the title. its day 11 of break and kelly and christopher slept over two nights ago. i asked chris to say something random and that’s what he said. it works.

let me do a breakdown of each day of break!

Day 1: Saturday December 22.

I didn’t do much in the morning. But I did sing at Ollie (Oliver)’s baptism at 5:30 mass. That was really nice:-)

Day 2: Sunday December 23.

I can’t really remember what I did on Sunday.

Day 3: Monday December 24. Christmas Eve!

I got up at about 7:25, and got a quick shower, and then my dad and I set off on our annual Christmas Eve shopping trip! We headed to the Towson Mall, but we stopped at Wegman’s first. that was a great experience. Hahaha my dad drove for the first time (since before his accident) and it was hilarious watching him get on all the escalators at the mall. He couldn’t get the timing and it was so funny watching him try not to fall over. Haha anyway… After our shopping trip at the mall (it ended about 2:00ish when we got home), I sang at 4:00 Christmas Eve mass with the choir. I had a solo (did awesome) and it was really exciting. And i’m sporting a new hair cut so that was cool too. Then I went to Tommy’s grandparents house for their annual Christmas party. That was alot of fun.

Day 4: Tuesday December 25. Christmas Day.

Elise woke me up really early, and then we opened presents at Tommy’s house. Then around 10ish I was dropped off at my house and I opened my presents from “Santa” and I got some awesome things. I got a Dooce tshirt, a book, some sweatpants, a printer for my digital camera, a Godiva giftcard, and Danny and I got MATCHING GIFTS! We both got Wicked posters signed by the ENTIRE current broadway cast! HOW FREAKIN AWESOME?!!! Then the rest of the day was pretty much a bore. We sat around and watched Kevin play Guitar Hero 3.

Day 5: Wednesday December 26.

I went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks with Ica, Jess, and a couple of Jess’ friends. It was so good! I recommend that movie to anybody and EVERYBODY. It’s amazing. We took photo booth pictures after 🙂 then  went back to Ica’s house with her and we played guitar hero for almost the entire rest of the day.

Day 6: Thursday December 27.

Not much happened here. I was told I had to clean my entire room. INCLUDING under my bed. It was scary. I’m surprised I didn’t die! Now it pretty much looks like I just moved in (with the exception of my desk). I played Guitar Hero on and off between cleaning. I started my own band and I worked on the easy level all day. By the time I went to bed, I beat Easy! I tried the first song in medium and my hands were about to give out so i quit for the night. But it’s alot of fun and very addicting:-)

Day 7: Friday December 28.

Kevin wasn’t home all day (neither was my dad) so I finished cleaning my room and then I pretty much played Guitar Hero for the rest of the day. I’m almost done the medium level now, but I got pretty far on Friday. That night we watched Pirates of the Carribbean (in HD!) and stayed home. It was sort of boring but okay.

Day 8: Saturday December 29.

My mom’s parents came to visit for Christmas. It was pretty nice. We showed them Guitar Hero and my grandfather fell asleep on the couch. Pretty typical. Then around 6:30ish my grandparents took kevin and left to visit my mom’s cousin in Glen Burnie (one that Kevin hasn’t seen since he was like 4 by the way) and Tommy picked me up and we went to his grandmother’s birthday party at this fancy restaruant in Turf Valley. It was nice to be with everybody again (even though we had all been together Christmas Eve). Dominick’s getting bigger and learning new words every time I see him, and Gianina is getting so big! She’s about 4 months now and is like the cutest thing ever. Catarina started following Tommy around and talking to him. Omg she’s so cute. She’s about 3 and a half I think. But still, very cute. Cece Cate and Elise were playing together as always, and Dino and Elam were both playing with Dino’s new PSP and Elam’s DS. Extremely typical for the Broccolino grandchildren. It was alot of fun though. It always is. After the party I came home and stayed up till like 2 watching “The Best of Friends Season 1”. I’m now hooked on Friends and Days of Our Lives (my secret love). It’s very exciting even though you all think I’m pretty crazy.

Day 9: Sunday December 30.

After I went to 12 o’clock mass, we hung out at home for awhile, and then I went to the Dornan’s house to hang out with kelly and watch the redskins game with patrick. Redskins beat the Cowboys, and Ravens beat the crap out of Pittsburg!! Then after the game, kelly and I went back to my house where we stayed up till 3 with christopher and kevin playing games and watching movies.

Day 10: Monday December 31.

We went to Dunkin Donuts around 11 to meet some UHL people for a donut party! Olivia, Grace, Mrs Shope, Alec Ethan Eliza Aiden and Mr Munns were there. it was fun! After, we picked Patrick up and we went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks (my second time).  Then we went to their house for New Years Eve dinner, and then we went to 7 o’clock mass. Then we took patrick and christopher back to my house. we played Guitar Hero for awhile and then kicked kevin and christopher out of the living room so Patrick my mom and I could watch Knocked Up. AWESOME movie!!! Really inappropriate, but really awesome. After the movie we watched the ball drop and then we watched some random motorcycle guy make a new world record for longest jump. then my mom sent chris and kevin to bed in his room andand patrick and i watched like half of joe dirt and then we fell asleep. that was about it for our new years night.

Day 11: January 1. New Years Day! (and last day of break)

Patrick and Chris stayed most of the morning. We were going to drive up to Buffalo to see some hockey game but it started at 1 and we wouldnt have made it. So we looked around on the internet for somewhere interesting to go (because i’m SO BORED) and then patrick’s dad came to pick them up so now i don’t have anything to do nor anybody to hang out with. Tommy’s with his dad so I can’t hang out with him. I’m just so bored. I’m watching ER and waiting for my mom to come home so we could possibly go to Gettysburg or something.

Well that’s about it for my day by day on Christmas Break. At least there were some interesting things that happened, unlike that one spring break where I literally did nothing but sit on my bed and watch movies. All day, every day.

I hope Christmas 2007 and the new year of 2008 was/is good for everybody!

Published in: on January 1, 2008 at 1:39 pm  Leave a Comment  
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I don’t cause commotion, I am one.


My hands AND half my arms were green!

The OZ shows were really great, despite all the incidents. Saturday night after the show i went with tommy back to his house and we decorated his christmas tree:-) And the last thing we got to put on was our ornament: ms piggy and kermit dancing together. It’s my favorite part.


 Last night I got my christmas tree, and we (mom patrick and i) listened to my new CD called “Danny’s Ghetto Fabulous Dance Party” (which will now be called DGFDP). OH! before the show yesterday, while we were listening to DGFDP, Danny and I danced like Christina and Meredith on Grey’s Anatomy. First we did the Meredith, the headbanging while dancing in circles, then we did the Christina, where you flail your arms up and down. Finally we did the Mertina, where you do a combination of the two. then we tried pole dancing, and that was just great:-) hahaha wow i can’t wait till next monday. PF CHANGS HERE WE COME!!!! (and after we SO have to get chocolate covered strawberries).

I went to Symphony of Lights last night with mom and patrick. We listened to DGFDP, especially tracks 1 and 2, which are “Because I Got High” by Afroman and “Music is My Hot, Hot Sex” by CSS. hahaha it was so much fun. Well thats about it right now….

Published in: on December 10, 2007 at 9:17 pm  Comments (7)  
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I’m the other daughter. Elphaba. I’m beautifully tragic.


I’m turning MORE GREEN!!! You can’t really see it VERYYYY well, but both of my hands are completely covered in green face paint. Its starting to creep up my arms too. Aren’t I just so elphaba-ish!? I love it!

Oz went much better today. than yesterday. Nobody was randomly going to the bathroom and nobody was missing the lines to the music. we did have a sound difficulty but i can’t blame tommy (and i even feel bad a bit) because i made him do it at the last minute because i couldn’t do that AND everything else. a girl can only do so much and i’m so glad tommy was there to help me out (thanks sweetheart).

WHAT AM I GOING TO DO NEXT WEEK?! no erica and danny every night, and no random trips to stores to buy things while danny and i walk around the store in circles carrying random things so people don’t look at us weird… lol i’m definitely sleeping. and i think i’m coughcoughGETTINGSICKcoughcough so we’ll see.

ps. the title is from wicked:

Madame Morrible: Oh, You must be Miss Nessarose, the governor’s daughter. What a tragically beautiful face you have! And you must be…  
Elphaba: I’m the other daughter. Elphaba. I’m beautifully tragic.

Published in: on December 8, 2007 at 4:48 am  Comments (1)  
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No I’m not seasick, yes I’ve always been green, no I didn’t eat grass as a child


I’m turning into Elphaba! My hands are permanently green!

Haha i’m just kidding. But my hands are green. It’s from Erica’s facepaint, for the Wicked Witch of the West in Oz ( for tickets:-]). I literally have a page and a half of script to paint her whole face, neck, ears, and hands green. what a joy what a joy. and for tonights rehearsal i had nothing to paint her face with except for my hands, so there it is folks, my green hands. I absolutely love it though. It’s a new look for me:-) In my bio i’m writing “and a special thank you to Indina Menzel for being my inspiration and idol throughout this beautifully tragic chaos.”  anybody spot the Wicked line?

Well, i hope people come see the show. it’s a little bit um…. interesting…. (coughdannycough) but besides a few minor (coughdannycough) incidents (coughtotocough) we’ll be okay.

Published in: on December 7, 2007 at 3:47 am  Leave a Comment  
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Just Another Boring Day in Paradise

 TYA Star!

So I think I want to copy dooce and do one of those daily picture things. Obviously not of my dogs, because none of my dogs are as cool as Chuck, so I think I’m gonna take pictures every day and post the one that looks the coolest. My picture today is my TYA star ornament that I found underneath a pile of clothes. I can’t believe I still have it!

 Anyway. Today was a boring day… Thomas told me he was bringing me some strawberry food this morning, and when iI found him, he said his dog ate it, and it was a strawberry covered donut from Dunkin Donuts. I was mad. HIS DOG ATE MY DONUT!! Whatever.

Second period in Grey (English 11 Honors) we played word slap for our vocab test tomorrow. I was glad that some people knew the words less than I did, but I’m still not very hopeful. Then we took some notes on persuasive speaking, and I learned that we have to present a persuasive essay to the class, memorized, at the end of this unit. GOD KILL ME NOW! What the heck am I supossed to write about? She said we can pick our topics to be whatever we want them to be, but seriously, I SUCK at being creative. Any ideas?

Fourth period, I had first lunch, and then I had Ms. Liv and Mr. E (Musical Theater) for 90 minutes. That was alot of fun. We “fooled around” for the first 20 minutes and then we taped our “performances” which weren’t all that exciting, considering this is like the 4th week we’ve gotten them to let us work on the songs.  My group was me, Christine, Cara J., and Abby, Colleen was our choreographer, and we were singing “Friendship” from Anything Goes (I think). I texted Danny and Tommy and found out that Tommy’s home sick today:-(

So I’ve started looking online for christmas gifts to give to people. I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, and don’t get me wrong that’s my FAVORITE holiday, but I never have any time after Thanksgiving until the annual Christmas Eve shopping trip, so I want to get a head start. Any store recommendations? I’m gonna just do google searches until I can find what I want.

Published in: on November 13, 2007 at 9:51 pm  Comments (1)  
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First post!

Hey! Thanks Danny for helping me come up with a super-fantastic name for my new blog! I am going to make it a habit of posting every day……… hopefully.

Published in: on November 13, 2007 at 2:58 am  Comments (1)  